Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sun Springs in Summer

Summer is almost here! I can hardly wait for the first day of summer because I am starting my own summer writing challenge. I will write a novel starting the first day of summer and ending the last day of summer. The goal is as it was for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which is 50,000 words. For NaNoWriMo I wrote it by hand because I am better at it, but this time I will do it on the computer because I need to learn. Also my summer challenge is three months long rather than only one, but has the same word goal of 50,000.

The novel I will be typing is called Sun Springs Samantha about a girl who lives on a ski resort in Sun Springs Montana. I have been planning it for about three months now and I can't wait for it to begin!

Samantha Saint Michel ( pronounced "SAY Mee- shell", it's french.) lives on one of the biggest ski resorts in the north west with her parents, and every once in awhile she will go to her Swedish friend's resort in Sweden to visit her. On one of these visits she finds her grandmother's journal. She can't figure out why her late grandmother's journal is in her Swedish friend's home. When she starts to read it she realizes it is from her grandmother's childhood. No one had ever known about her grandmother's childhood because she went missing at that time for 14 years. She never talked about her childhood to anyone. As Samantha reads it she realizes why her grandmother never talked about it. Her grandmother's story changes Samantha's way of thinking forever.

That is the basic story line for now. I didn't give away any thing on purpose because I hope to self publish it soon after writing it.