Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Maid in the Forest

Today my sister and I went walking through the woods around our house in costume. I felt like I was really in the Sherwood forest. It had just rained and was quiet out. The grass was wet and soft. A perfect day to take pictures. My sister took pictures of me in my costume so I could post them here.
I couldn't resist the temptation. Ever eat a pine tree?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Medieval Fashions of the cat world (part two)

Here are more fashions for cats set in the medieval era.
This hood hides its owner from the view of unwanted eyes and keeps the weather out. The one wearing it can go about the forest undetected. This is what all cats desire.

Never remove one's hood from their head, or BEWARE!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Medieval Fashions of the Cat World

There is something going on right now called "Maid Marian's wardrobe", An online medieval fashion event, and lots of people will be writing posts having to do with medieval styled clothing.
This is a post written for the Maid Marian fashion event, all the costumes were hand crafted and designed specially for the event. Although it has a kitty twist!

This lovely cat is wearing what was very common among maids in the medieval era.
Note the lace around the collar, and the pink ribbon bow. The hat is as well of the medieval era.
In this view you can see the ruffled lace better around her collar. Her cape is made of a silky fabric. The cape can be worn in both winter and summer and should be worn to a fancy event.
This hat is normally not meant to cover cat ears, it is a real style but it looks like it is meant for a cat.

All cats in this fashion event are volunteers, they are getting paid the same amount salary as other models. The costumes were matched with their personality so they feel as comfortable in costume as possible. Come back tomorrow for more medieval cat fashion updates.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

School Life

I have been home schooled all my life but now, I am going to public school part time for high school. It is very different from the school I came from. I love the classes I love the teachers, the kids are nice most of the time, but all of it put together for six hours every day is monotonous. Thankfully I'm only going part time! School is such an opportunity to shine for Jesus, there are so many people there that haven't ever really heard of God's love or Jesus' death. School is a big place for me filled with lots of people who don't know what it's like to feel God's compassion. My life is filled with blessings that I could offer them, but why do I hold back? Why am I scared of sharing Jesus' story?
Psalm 34: 17-18
"When the righteous cry out for help,
The LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit."

Here is my school:

The grounds are very lovely. There is a farm right next to the school and every once in a while you can see some cows hanging around the fence, mooing. The school is an interesting place. You get kids to cows and everything in between.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall Fell on our house....Literally

A few days ago, around the change into fall, there were terrible winds all day one day. It was not a storm, just some fall winds like there always are around here. Then as I am coming home from school on my bike with my brother I glanced at one of our dogs in the dog pen. I did a double take, She was playing around the top branches of one of our oldest maple trees! A large chunk of it had come crashing down onto our deck and dog playpen during the day because of the winds! We had been planing on building a tree house in that tree for a long time, but now we really can't. Now when ever I look out my window or the sliding door I see a jungle of branches and leaves just out side.

This is what I see from my dining room.

The tree crushed another when it fell!

This is a close up of the crack. It really cracked! And the wind was what caused it. Amazing isn't it? I guess the tree was not fully alive though. I wish I could play in it like I did years ago when another large tree fell. I remember playing I was an Indian in the jungle with my siblings. We caught a big fish and carried it home to our chief (Dad) and gave it to him. Of course this all was just make believe in our front yard with a fallen tree. But I had so much fun that fall.