Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Grand Canyon is.....GRAND!

I just recently got home from the grand canyon with my family during spring break, and wish to share God's splendor with you. We really didn't have the money for a vacation to Arizona from Minnesota, but God made it work. My family and I started to put some cash in a jar labeled "The Grand Canyon Fund" to see if we could come up with enough to go. Well, some of us were doubtful, in fact, we all were doubtful at times that we would be able to go. But then, in just one morning, the jar had 500 dollars from only four members of my family, which showed us that God will provide if he wants it to happen.

We did go on to the Grand Canyon very soon after we gathered enough money to drive down, spend a few bucks down there, and drive back up. I had never been through the rocky mountains before and we were going to go right through them at Denver. I had never seen anything so beautiful before in my life. As we drove through the mountains, my siblings and I kept trying to take pictures as we went along, but the windows were rolled up and very dirty so we really didn't get any good pictures.

(This is a picture of our hike into the Grand Canyon.)

I had never really thought much about how pretty the mountains could be, or the Grand Canyon for that matter, and once I got there I was blown away at the idea that God created all the beauty of the mountains and the Canyons we saw with just a stroke of his fingers. It all proves the power, love and might of our God.

May God's passion fill your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is that the north rim?