Thursday, April 30, 2009

Barack Obama, Our President

Let me tell you about Obama, our President. Obama said in 2001 that the Constitution of the United States of America reflects a fundamental flaw, which means that he thinks the founding fathers were wrong in what they wrote in the Constitution. The President of the United States of America is supposed to protect the constitution, not say that the founding fathers were wrong in what they wrote! He is also for killing live babies, (Babies that are in the womb are alive and can feel pain). Just think what our country would be like if Abraham Lincoln's mother had aborted him! Choice or no choice, a mother should love her baby enough to keeps it's life. I am not a supporter of killing babies made in the image of God.

"Spread the wealth" is a socialist idea. America is gradually becoming more and more socialist. Let’s say that you work hard at starting a business out of your home. Year after year you work on making it better so that people will buy your product, and a long time from now you are a big thriving business. But the government says “You don’t deserve to be wealthy, there are people in this country who aren’t as rich as you!” So they take away your wealth and make you pay the other people who didn’t get a job, in the form of taxes. Wasn’t America founded on the rights of men to defend their freedom? The main idea of the founding fathers was liberty and justice for all, not, “You don’t have rights to be wealthy and be your own boss!” When people realize that they can vote into office someone who promises them gifts from the government treasury, they become dependent on the government.

Do you know what money is? It is society's evaluation of how much you have contributed to it. So when the government takes over and "spreads the wealth around," the competition that drives this country goes down the drain. Working harder will do you no good when the government will only take your money away from you and hand it to the person watching TV, waiting for the next government welfare check to come in the mail.

Here is a video of the first 100 days that Barack Obama has been president. He might say somethings that sound good to the American people, but his actions will not necessarily agree with what he just said. this video can put it into words better than I can.

In the upcoming four years, I hope you all begin to see who Barack Obama truly is underneath all his smooth speech and winsomeness.

Abigail Dorothy, a proud Christian conservative American.


Savannah Nichole said...

I agree with you!

Anonymous said...

Jesus was a socialist and a liberal, as much as he was a conservative (he was all these things) - he shared the loaves and fishes, preached against the money lenders and exalted the beggars, and said that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He taught us to share whatever we have with whoever might ask for it, to love our enemies as our friends, not to cast judgement on others, to feel love in our hearts every day and to turn the other cheek to our opponents if they trespass against us. Amen, go in peace Sister, do not allow that anger to swell in your heart or you will be lost to the dark side before you even understand what that means. Obama is not your enemy. Your enemy lies within, as does Jesus, and that is where your fight must be won.