Saturday, February 8, 2014

3 years of life later

If I were to try to recount every single thing that has happened to me in the past three years, I would end up writing a novel... so I shall cut it down to the interesting bits. I am now almost 19 years old and I am in college. I am an aunt to two cute little kids now, I am studying art and costume design in college, I am in the college band and the college orchestra, and I was in All-state band a few years ago in high school. My senior year of high school I was in the highest level of band, orchestra and choir and I was also in our chamber choir. That was fun, but I sure am happy to be in college now. (Even though college is challenging.)
This last summer my family and I traveled to California and Oregon and 5 other states for 2 weeks in June. I had never been to that side of the USA and we had a blast. we did lots of exploring and hiking and camping. We even got to stay in a tree-house at the Treesort in Oregon. (I have a few photos for all of you.) we went zip-lining in the hilly forests at the Treesort and swam in a stream fed pool. The whole trip was a blast. we started out by visiting my brother in the Mojave Desert where he had an internship with Xcor Aerospace. It was definitely not the same feel as Minnesota. I had never been in a desert before.

And thats only some of the things we did on our trip. But I have to go do my homework now. I will post more later, bye for now!

1 comment:

Rachel Kimberly said...

I didn't know you updated your blog! Way to go! I love the horse video... :D