I was tagged by
Evergreena my sister! This tag is the "30 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me" tag. Well this is my first time getting tagged so here I go!
1. I love India, maybe a future home of mine?
2. I mouth my words silently after talking.(Some people are driven nuts by this)
3. I'm crazy over the color purple.
4. I day dream about flying like a bird! WEEE!
5. Since I can't fly, I love to ride my bike which is as close as I can get to flying...safely
6. I play the tuba, and when I start playing it is hard to get me to stop.
7. I have eaten dog food before.( Ok, ok, I was 5 years old and hungry, what else was I to do?)
8. I have read all the "Redwall" books more than once, some three times.
9. I don't have a cell phone and proud of it. I don't know why I am proud of it though.
10. I love elephants! I love them!
11. I write in my journal to often, my imagination runs away when I write in it.
12. I like the idea of someday traveling the world and living in dangerous places.
13. I'm sick right now.
14. Today is my sister's Birthday! Wish Evergreena a happy birthday!
15. I love to act. I am an actress in the making, just ask my family if I like to act and they will tell you I do it every day!
16. Ok, here's a good one I bet you never knew: I already ran out of things you don't know about me! Think think think.
17. I sleep in the basement where creepy spiders live under the bed. Yup.
18. The first story I wrote was called "Abby Is" and it didn't make much sense, but I was proud of it.
19. My sister is nineteen.
20. I used to carry an old rag doll everywhere I went, even to the store. I stopped doing that a few years ago though.
21. I am left handed! Go left handers!
22. I used to like rolling in the garden dirt. Yeah, I stopped doing that awhile ago too.
23. My name isn't really Hepzibah for which I am sad to announce. I love that name.
24. I can't stop drawing dresses. I draw about three dresses every hour. I'm not sick of it yet.
25. My family is planning my aunt and uncle 25th wedding open house right now.
26. I was born on the same day as George Washington.( He's my twin)
27. I am the only person in my whole family that has lived in the same place my entire life, and I wouldn't want to move.
28. I live on a sod farm in humble Minnesota.
29. I like it when people think I have a "Minnesota accent" when they really have the accent!
30. I love to be me, a farm girl with a passion for Jesus Christ and a love of creating. What else can I say? I wouldn't want anything more.
I now tag Brynn Richardson!