Saturday, January 23, 2010

Walk around the Capital

Yesterday my sister and mother and I walked around the Capital of MN with 6,000 others to protest Row v Wade. It was really up lifting to go and be a part of it with others from our church and people around the state all protesting abortion of unborn babies. Many people came up to speak on the subject. We all were glad to hear from our Governor and many others that the abortions in our state are less and less and that the people around us are starting to see the affects of their action of abortion.
Lots of people in this nation still believe that unborn babies are just pieces of lifeless tissue that can't feel the pain of death. And women across the country abort their babies because they didn't want motherhood, they only thought of present enjoyment. And because of Row v Wade, men don't have a say in their child's life. Mothers may choose to do with their bodies as they please even though it affects the father too. All this was said at the rally yesterday and it had an impact on me.
Maybe some of you went to a rally held in you state and heard these things as well. Some how I hope to help the cause of those protecting life. I add my voice for those who have none.

1 comment:

Eldarwen said...

I awarded you: